71 Reasons and More Foundation
71 Reasons and More Foundation works in the community to help bring awareness to mental health and suicide. Our nonprofit supports programs such as “Ending the Silence Program” by implementing such programs and programs like these to put into local school districts. Provide financial support for mental health services for teens and young adults. Providing scholarships for students who benefit from alternative schooling due to bullying. The long-term goal is to have a safe zone for teens and young adults to come and be able to feel comfortable/accepted and get services if needed to support their needs. To be able to provide charitable and educational help with mental illness and suicide awareness in the community and schools.
Contact: Angela Chapas
204 Brompton Ct.
Oswego, IL 60543
Phone Number: 630-624-8361
Email Address: hello@71reasonsandmore.org
Website: www.71reasonsandmore.org