Oswego Businesses Pulling Together #OswegoStrong

COVID-19 is having a major impact on Oswego.  As a community comprising many small businesses, we are profoundly affected by the current economic circumstances.

We also are, and always will be, a community that cares and looks out for one another. We’ve organized a directory of Oswego businesses and organizations facing difficult disruptions. We encourage Oswegoans to refer to it and shop locally as we pull through this time together.

Your Oswego Area Chamber of Commerce is here to help support you during this challenging period. If you are a Chamber business that is contending with recent developments, please share your announcement or update with us.

Financial Services

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Fox Valley Credit Union

COVID-19 Announcement:

The lobbies at our Aurora and Oswego locations are temporarily closed to prevent exposure to our staff and members. The drive-up lanes at Aurora are open to process transactions in person, and we are available to assist by phone: 630-859-2276.

Go here for more info on how we can help you with loan hardships etc https://www.foxvalleycu.com/about/covid-19/

Contact: Malissa Perkins and Stephanie Richardson
1 W. Merchants Dr.
Oswego, IL 60543
Phone Number: 630-906-2050
Email Address: srichardson@foxvalleycu.com
Email Address: mperkins@foxvalleycu.com
Website: www.foxvalleycu.com

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